Embarking on a journey of over 32,000nautical miles, offering more than 100 shore excursions, and featuring a new photo exhibition by the renowned Steve...
Silver Nova
Silver Nova, Silversea’s pioneering new addition, brings the brand’s award-winning culinary program to The Last Frontier for the first time.
During the inaugural port call in Florida, the home of Royal Caribbean Group, esteemed guests boarded Silver Nova to celebrate the milestone celebration.
The newest ship to join the Silversea™ fleet introduces all-new enhancements to the brand’s Roman-inspired wellness program
Silversea has launched an exclusive pre-sale for their winter 2025/2026 voyage collection, which includes more than 150 new sailings to over 200 destinations. The...
Silversea Cruises® and the Meyer Werft shipyard celebrated the float out of the new ship Silver NovaSM on April 28, 2023, in Papenburg, Germany. ...
Silversea Cruises has revealed full details on the public venues aboard its new ship Silver Nova, which has the most bars, lounges, and restaurants...