
About Me

Let’s Get Acquainted

Welcome to my travel news site Stray Nomad. 

I am a former airline executive with a career spanning over 30 years with 5 different prominent airlines based in Australia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. I am passionate about the airlines and travel industry and I am an expert in aviation business and passenger experience and the issues that affect the travel and aviation industry with Covid-19. Always keeping an ear close to the ground, my industry insights, analysis and news coverage is reliable and frequently relied upon by some of the most established travel news online websites.

I retired at the end of 2019, not by choice but because I was diagnosed with MS. I have been lucky enough to conduct a normal life till then. I kept working and did what I liked most, Since mid-2019 my conditions have worsened, therefore I had to stop working and return back home to Sydney to take care of myself.

I have been fortunate with my job to travel to over 80 countries and live in 8 different ones. I am a travel addict a true stray nomad and will continue to be one for as long as I can.

My goal is to share with you travel news which will hopefully help you decide if to travel, where to travel, and most importantly travel safely in the new normal of the Covid19 world.

Stay safe and happy travels!

Contact me

To contact Stray Nomad travel blog, follow me on Facebooktweet me, If you are interested in working with me please email me at joecusmano@straynomad.com  or fill out the form below and I will get back to you within 48 hours.

Stay in Touch

To contact Stray Nomad travel blog, follow me on Facebook, tweet me, email me at joecusmano@straynomad.com or fill out the form below and I will get back to you within 48 hours. If you are interested in working with me.  SUBSCRIBE NOW

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