In an extraordinary turn of events, Greg Foran, the Chief Executive of Air New Zealand, found himself serving drinks to passengers on an international...
Air New Zealand
In a symphony of aviation prowess and economic foresight, Air New Zealand is poised to elevate the Tokyo travel experience. Chief Executive Officer Greg Foran has...
Air New Zealand is set to refresh its travel across the Tasman and to the Pacific with significant updates to its short-haul flight booking...
Air New Zealand selects Wellington-Marlborough as the route for commercial demonstrator flights with the Beta ALIA; these two airports play a pivotal role in...
Air New Zealand has announced a strategic enhancement of its flight network for the upcoming summer season, marked by the resumption of services to...
Air New Zealand has reported a net profit after tax of $129m for the first half of the 2024 financial year, marking a 39%...
Air New Zealand has chosen four world-class innovators with whom it will collaborate on its ambition to conduct the world's first zero-emissions demonstration flight.
The trans-Tasman is the next target for Virgin Australia as they look to revive their partnership with Air New Zealand.
Due to a change in the maintenance plan for Pratt & Whitney geared turbofan (GTF) engines, Air New Zealand will suspend Hobart services beginning...
Air New Zealand is investing significantly in its fleet, capacity, and marketing to improve the flying experience for customers and support New Zealand’s tourism...